"Always we begin again." - Benedict of Nursia

Is it time?

As we begin this new year,
have you reflected on what really matters to you?
Thought about those things that no longer serve you.
How do you best create your year?

It's not necessarily about setting goals...
it's also what you let go of.

It can be a hard choice,
if we are fixated on what we've invested in, 
whether it be financially, emotionally, with time, 
or all of the above...
letting go of the "sunk costs" can be challenging. 

Periodically reflecting on where we've come, where we are headed, and if it's still what we want..
is an important exercise.

Checking in with ourselves about our desires,
making sure they are ours, and not someone else's -
or what we think we are supposed to want -
can be freeing.