Letting Go of Other People's Expectations

How often do we have false assumptions about what others expect of us? How misaligned expectations can keep us stuck in our own misconceptions!                                                         Like this content? Please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel. Love to hear your thoughts, read your comments. For a limited time, share this video, contact me via email or phone and receive an MP3 version of my Yoga Nidra/Guided Meditation CD!

One Thing You Can Do Right Now to Reduce Stress!

Stress releases cortisol (sometimes known as the fat hormone) which, in excess, also leads to inflammation. How do we reduce stress? Fran shares her number one tip to get started! 

Love to hear your thoughts, read your comments.                                                                            For a limited time, share this video, contact me via email or phone and receive an MP3 version of my Yoga Nidra/Guided Meditation CD!

The Gift of Good Health!

Do you take your good health for granted? Ready to ramp up your health to new heights?! Two keys to simple improvement are on the way... Love to hear your thoughts, read your comments.

for a limited time, share this video, contact me via email or phone and receive an MP3 version of my Yoga Nidra/Guided Meditation CD!



Joy is not the same as happiness, which is so conditional. How do you find spontaneous joy in your life? How can we tap into that essential piece of our humanness?

Love to hear your thoughts, read your comments. For a limited time, share this video, contact me via email or phone and receive an MP3 version of my Yoga Nidra/Guided Meditation CD!

The Joy in the Moment

Life hands us moments, if we open our awareness. Stop in the "busyness" and drink in what's available to us. Can you find moments to appreciate and replenish yourself? Make a conscious effort today to find something to lift the spirit. Love to hear your thoughts, read your comments. For a limited time, share this video, contact me via email or phone and receive an MP3 version of my Yoga Nidra/Guided Meditation CD!